If All You See…

…is a deformed fish from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on how many embassies have been evacuated under Biden.

Read: If All You See… »

Massachusetts Allocates $800 Million For Illegal Alien Shelters

Every legal resident of Massachusetts could be give over $1 million each. Instead, the money of the taxpayers will be going to people who should not even be in the United States

Mass. Senate passes budget, with over $800M to help migrant shelters

A budget breakthrough in the Massachusetts Senate could be a gamechanger in tackling the Bay State’s migrant crisis. State senators passed its supplemental budget late Thursday night.

With a vote of 32 to 8, senators voted for this one-time use expenditure, allowing Gov. Maura Healey’s administration to spend the $840 million on the issue over these next two fiscal years.

The state currently spends about $75 million each month — or about $10,000 per family — on the 7,500 migrant and local families that are living in emergency shelters across the state.

Read that again: $10K per month. Depending on the source, the average American household spends $5k to $9k a month. And that’s with their own money. Which includes transportation. With their own money. Here we have taxpayers on the hook to pay for people who came illegally. But, in fairness, those who vote Democrat in Mass. voted for the government to spend their tax dollars on this insanity.

It also caps the time families can stay in state-run shelters at nine months, with opportunities to renew their stay in 90-day increments if they are veterans, pregnant women, caretakers for those with disabilities or people enrolled in work programs.

“With the failure of our federal government to act in aide in this crisis, the responsibility unfortunately falls upon our shoulders,” said Senate Ways and Means Chairman Michael Rodrigues. “This supplemental budget before the body today represents a balanced plan to the EA shelter crisis that is proactive.”

Wait, they’re paying for veterans of other nations? And paying for women to have anchor babies? The failure is of Biden, who opened the floodgates. And themselves, for voting for this.


(NDTV) A Venezuelan migrant has sparked controversy with a viral TikTok video outlining how illegal immigrants can exploit squatting laws in the United States. Identified as Leonal Moreno, the man suggested that under certain circumstances, abandoned properties could be seized and inhabited, potentially leading to their sale, according to The New York Post. Moreno claimed to be considering this as a business opportunity, citing anecdotes from acquaintances who have purportedly occupied multiple homes using similar tactics.

“I have thought about invading a house in the United States. I found out that there is a law that says that if a house is not inhabited, we can seize it,” Leonal Moreno said in the TikTok video.

Do illegal aliens have those “rights” to squat, which is essentially invading a house owned by someone else? Doing it while someone is on vacation? Of course, most of the lenient squatters laws are in Democrat cities and states, so, they voted for this. Enjoy!

Read: Massachusetts Allocates $800 Million For Illegal Alien Shelters »

Your Fault: Easter Egg Prices Rise Due To Hotcoldwetdry

We could fix this by forcing you to get and EV, but, since most can’t afford it, you taking the bus, walking, or riding a bike

Easter eggs costs rise as climate change hits crops

You may have noticed that Easter eggs are more expensive this year.

But did you know that climate change is one of the reasons?

Most chocolate is made from cocoa grown in West Africa, but a humid heatwave has blasted the crops and massively cut yields.

Experts say that human-induced climate change has made the extreme heat 10 times more likely.

Which? found some popular eggs have risen in price by 50% or more.

The shortage of cocoa resulting from the heatwave has seen prices soar to almost $8,500 (£6,700) a tonne this week.

Humid heat waves never happened before fossil fueled vehicles, you know.

I’m not particularly surprised by this article, as the climate cult always looks for way to link their cult dogma with current events.

Another factor impacting the crops was El Niño.

This is a recurring, natural fluctuation in weather patterns in the tropical Pacific that drives up global temperatures and can lead to extreme weather in some places. A strong El Niño has been active since last June.

Yup, natural variability is really the cause, and just being a typical Holocene warm period.

Read: Your Fault: Easter Egg Prices Rise Due To Hotcoldwetdry »

Let’s Go Brandon Calls For Ceasefire In Gaza With No Requirement To Release Hostages

It appears as if the hardcore Israel and Jew haters, who are also hardcore Islamic extremist/Hamas lovers, have finally gotten to Biden

U.S. submits U.N. resolution calling for immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Here’s why it matters.

On Thursday, the United States ended decades of stalwart support for Israel in the United Nations Security Council, submitting a draft resolution that calls for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

The U.S., which negotiated the language of the proposed resolution with the governments of Egypt and Qatar, seeks to have the Security Council vote on it on Friday.

An earlier version of the resolution that was circulated earlier in the day Thursday linked the cessation of fighting with the release of hostages held in Gaza by Hamas, the Associated Press reported. The latest revision, however, makes no such precondition for “the imperative of an immediate and sustained cease-fire.” (snip)

The U.S. move comes at a delicate moment for U.S. and Israeli relations. With more than 30,000 civilian Palestinians estimated killed in Gaza as a result of the Israeli government’s military campaign responding to Oct. 7 attack by Hamas that left nearly 1,200 dead in Israel, the Biden administration and congressional Democrats have recently increased pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyau to change his tactics.

That number comes from Hamas, and is certainly complete crap. A ceasefire without the release of the hostages, some of which are Americans, it is Biden completely abandoning the Jewish state of Israel, abandoning the hostages, and giving a win to the fucking terrorist group which is designated as a terrorist group by the U.S. State Department, as well as the United Nations and European Union. No Arab nation wants to take any Palestinians in, because they are all extremists.

In Michigan’s presidential primary, many Democrats protested Biden’s handling of the war, with 13% casting a vote for “uncommitted.” Michigan has the largest Arab-American population of any state, but younger voters have expressed their displeasure with Biden over the U.S. support for Israel across the country.

The Wall Street Journal’s conservative editorial board published a piece on Monday that suggested Democrats in Washington had turned on Israel to win over those disgruntled voters.

This is about placating the anti-Semitic Democrat base for votes, many of them imports from hardcore Islamic extremist nations whose values are antithetic to U.S. values.

If they want a cease fire, release the hostages unharmed and disarm Hamas. Hamas broke the ceasefire, fucked around, and found out, pushing Israel too far.

Read: Let’s Go Brandon Calls For Ceasefire In Gaza With No Requirement To Release Hostages »

If All You See…

…is a bridge that will have to be raised to deal with massive sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post wondering why liberal judges have suddenly become 2nd Amendment absolutists.

Read: If All You See… »

NY Times: Biden’s Defacto Ban On Gas Cars Is Not Actually A Ban

What’s interesting is that hyper Warmist Coral Davenport failed to ask Biden and those passing these rules if they’re driving EVs themselves

What to Know About the Clean Auto Rule: It’s Not a Ban on Gas Cars

st greta carThe Biden administration’s new regulation limiting tailpipe emissions from cars and light trucks would transform the U.S. automobile market, charting a course away from the internal combustion engine and toward a future of electric cars and hybrids.

Here’s what to know about the measure.

It’s a big deal in the fight against climate change

It’s a big deal in fighting a scam, as pushed by Elitists who won’t practice what they force on everyone else

In terms of lowering the emissions that are heating the planet, this regulation does more than any other climate rule issued by the federal government and more than any measure planned in the remainder of President Joe Biden’s first term.

It’s also weird that Coral forgets to give the actual details of the rule

The rule is not a ban on gasoline-powered vehicles

The rule does not mandate sales of electric vehicles, and consumers can still buy and drive gas-powered cars. Rather, it requires carmakers to meet tough new average emissions limits across their entire product lines; it’s up to manufacturers to decide how to meet those limits.

Under the Clean Air Act, the Environmental Protection Agency can limit the pollution generated by the total number of cars each year. EPA officials said that, as long as automakers comply with the emissions rules, they can sell a mix of gasoline-burning cars, hybrids, EVs or other types of vehicles, such as cars powered by hydrogen.

But, the rules themselves will force auto makers to do away with most of their fossil fueled vehicle lines, even standard hybrids, and push EVs. So, it is, in fact, a stealth mandate to make EVs. And the carmakers will, in fact, pass the costs on to consumers

It penalizes carmakers, not consumers, for noncompliance

Starting in model year 2027, when the rule takes effect, car companies will report to the EPA the average emissions associated with all the passenger vehicles they sell. The emissions limits will start modestly and ramp up slowly in the early years of the program, rising sharply after 2030. Companies that don’t meet the emissions limits would have to pay fines that could reach into the billions of dollars.

Which means all vehicles will get more expensive. All while Joe travels in a massive, low MPG limo, surrounded by dozens of fossil fueled chase vehicles.

Whether U.S. roadways fill with nonpolluting vehicles hinges on a central question: Will motorists buy them? Early adopters flocked to EVs, but sales have cooled and carmakers are concerned they need more time to develop the market. That’s one reason the EPA pushed back the most stringent emissions requirements for auto sales until after 2030, so that manufacturers could improve designs and develop more affordable models, and for charging infrastructure to be built.

And what if consumers do not want this? Is there any consideration of We The People? Or, are the bureaucrats in Washington simply Fascists?

Read: NY Times: Biden’s Defacto Ban On Gas Cars Is Not Actually A Ban »

Forced Wage Increases For Lyft And Uber Drivers May Drive Them Out Of Minneapolis

The road to being put out of a job is paved with good government intentions

Minneapolis drivers protested wages – and won. Lyft and Uber are choosing to leave the city rather than pay up

Uber and Lyft claim they will cease operating in the Minneapolis area in protest of a minimum pay ordinance that the city council voted to approve last week.

The bill, to go into effect on 1 May, would establish a minimum pay of $1.40 per mile and $0.51 cents per minute for rideshare drivers, with a $5 per ride minimum. The city council voted to override the mayor’s veto of the ordinance, prompting Uber and Lyft to threaten to leave the region in response.

Minneapolis would be the only city in the US without Uber and Lyft services if the rideshare companies uphold their threat to cease operations on 1 May.

The legislation was backed by groups of rideshare drivers over low pay and high costs amid reports their pay has been declining.

Well, I do feel for the drivers: the cost of gas is much higher now under Biden than under Trump. Auto insurance is higher thanks to the Chinese coronavirus, as well as stupid Democrat policies. Food prices higher. Etc and so on. But, obviously, the government mandate costs for the socialist government won’t work for Lyft and Uber, so, all those driving can kiss those gig-economy jobs goodbye. They wanted change and they got it. Just not the change they thought.

Ali said if Uber and Lyft ultimately leave, they would only be taking software with them and claimed other startups, companies and taxi cab companies have already expressed interest in trying to replace them.

“The drivers are here. Their cars are here. They’re not leaving,” said Ali. “Why I think they’re doing this is if they let the drivers here get what they want in this small market, it will have a bigger effect on their bigger, more lucrative markets. So they have to stop this. That is what their fight is based on. It’s not about the minimum wage, I believe it’s about how it will impact their bigger markets.”

But, will the prices be competitive? Where are those companies? Why are they not pushing to enter the market now? You cannot just force extra expenses on a business and expect the owners/shareholders to simply concede. The market sets the salary/wages for these people: don’t pay enough and you won’t have any drivers, pay too much and you’ll be flooded with people who want to be a driver. You can ask for more, but sometimes the answer will simply be no. Maybe they deserve a bit more, but, hey, maybe those drivers can start their own rideshare/delivery business, see how that goes.

Read: Forced Wage Increases For Lyft And Uber Drivers May Drive Them Out Of Minneapolis »

Climate Cult Gets AC Cancelled For Paris Olympics

The average daily high in Paris for both July and August is 78. Of course, once you are inside it might get a bit toasty with all those other people and the lights. If they really cared they would restrict people from coming to Paris on fossil fueled airplanes and in FF vehicles

2024 Paris Summer Olympics Cancel Air Conditioning Due to Climate Concerns

The athletes competing at the Paris Summer Games will have plenty of condoms, but they will not have air conditioning.

“We designed these buildings so that they would be comfortable places to live in in the summer, in 2024 and later on, and we don’t need air conditioning in these buildings because we oriented the facades so that they wouldn’t get too much sun during the summer, and the facades, the insulation is really efficient,” said Yann Krysinski, who is directing the service of infrastructure for the Games.

So, they will be Gawdawful stifling

The buildings housing the athletes will apparently have some sort of cooling system, however. According to Reuters, cooled water will be circulated in the floors of the rooms to generate coolness.

The decision to forego traditional air conditioning is borne of the organizing committee’s desire to make the 2024 Paris Games record-breaking in terms of reducing the event’s carbon footprint.

It’s expected that around 300K will be in attendance, and that doesn’t include the athletes and trainers and such. How will they be traveling? Unless they are restricted from using fossil fuels, it matters little. Will they refuse to serve meat?

Read: Climate Cult Gets AC Cancelled For Paris Olympics »

NY Times Seems Upset That States Have A Say, Especially Over Illegal Immigration

Of course, it’s easy for the NY Times to say, since Sanctuary State NY is not a border state

Fight Over Texas Law Underscores a Battle of America vs. Its States

The face-off between Texas and the federal government over whether the state can enforce its own immigration policy reflects a broader and recurring feature of American politics: a number of hot-button issues have become proxy battles over who gets to decide.

During the Trump administration, Democratic-run states like California and blue cities like New York waged legal fights over their right to pass sanctuary laws to protect migrants. Now, the conflict over whether Texas can arrest and deport migrants is just one part of a larger campaign that red states have directed at the Biden administration. (snip)

The balance of power between the national government and states has been a source of tensions in the United States since its founding, leading to the Civil War. But in the 21st century, as partisan polarization has intensified, it has morphed into a new dynamic, with states controlled by the party opposed to the president regularly testing the boundaries.

Two points. First, there would be no need for Texas to do anything if the federal government was performing their job as designated by the US Constitution, repel invasion (Article I, Section 8, paragraph 15). They also are given the power to determine Naturalization laws. However, however, other than “repel invasion”, the Constitution does not specially delegate all powers exclusively to the federal government. It’s more like power sharing with the States at that point. And each state has the authority under the 10th Amendment to protect its borders and its citizens. If the Congress wants to pass a law restricting States, well, they can try. It might not last.

Sanctuary jurisdictions do violate federal law in as they look to protect those unlawfully present in the U.S. Many laws are violated.

Second, states should test the power of the federal government, since Los Federales have assumed way too much power, power they do not have the authorization to take. Look, if California wants to ban fossil fueled vehicles and do single payer healthcare, have at it. That’s their right under the 10th Amendment. And if citizens do not like that, they can move to another state and still be in America.

The political issues run the gamut — and include topics like abortion, gun control, same-sex marriage and even marijuana legalization — but the larger pattern is clear: Whenever one party wins control of the central government, the other party uses its control of various states to try to resist national policies.

“We’re seeing stuff we’ve never seen in the modern era,” said Heather K. Gerken, the dean of Yale Law School who has written about contemporary federalism. “It’s really stunning what kind of proxy war is taking place. It’s all because the vicious partisanship that has long been a feature of Washington has now filtered down to the states.”

States should be doing this all the time. The feds have too much power, too much dominance, too much interference. They take too much in taxation, and spend too much. They are often failing at their core duties as laid out in Article I, Section 8. If the proper power shifted back to the states and The People (remember, the 10th says ““The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”“) a lot of the issues would trend much lower, since people would be paying attention more to their state government, rather than the feds. And then state officials would have their feet held to the fire much more.

A clause in the Constitution says that federal statutes are supreme, and the traditional understanding is that where federal and state law conflict, federal law prevails. At the same time, the Constitution only grants certain powers to the federal government and reserves the rest to states. In practice, the powers of both levels often overlap.

I’m shocked the NY Times noted this reality. So, let’s repeal the 17th Amendment so that Senators are appointed by the state legislatures, and would then vote the way those legislatures want, rather than beholden to their nation parties and rich folks/companies in other states. They would represent the will of their states. Term limits for the House (4 terms, cannot run in any other district or state again). Restrict campaign donations to no more than 2% from outside of a district, that 2% is based on how much was spent the previous election cycle. That would be for starters.

Read: NY Times Seems Upset That States Have A Say, Especially Over Illegal Immigration »

If All You See…

…is a lack frozen over from carbon pollution fueled bad weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Political Hat, with a post on communism and polyamory.

Had to rush out this morning, forgot to set the post up. Sorry!

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove